Take a look at everything you get:
- a tutorial written in "plain english" so it's easy to understand and follow
- detailed lessons covering topics such as:
- basic terminology,
- working with text,
- creating and using lists, tables, and hyperlinks,
- creating scrolling messages,
- color issues and considerations
- fully expandable as additional lessons become available
- includes exercises helping you practice what you've learned
- Makes an excellent and valuable resource for any student and teacher.   And if you combine this with our printed version, you'll have a full course that you can easily take anywhere!
Click here to take a sneak peak at part of an actual lesson.
And for those of you who prefer a printed manual, complete with exercises, it is finally available at a low price of $19.95!
To order: please send payment to:
Ronald Auerbach Software Training & Consulting
702 5th Avenue South, # 8
Kent, WA   98032-6026
For more information on our other services, please enter our site.